stomach doctor for children in Clearwater Florida

Sarasota Office

Sarasota Office - Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of Florida
4040 Sawyer Road
Bee Ridge Medical Center
Sarasota, FL 34233
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Credentialed Pediatric Gastroenterologists at this location: Dr. Daniel McClenathan, Dr. Michael Wilsey and Dr. Sara Karjoo.

Conveniently located midway between 1-75 and US41 just off of Bee Ridge Road on Sawyer Road. If you
are traveling on the Interstate, you would take Exit 207 (old Exit 38), head West approximately 3 miles
down Bee Ridge Road to the Sawyer Road traffic light, which is six traffic lights, then turn left and enter
the second entrance on the right.
If you are coming down US41, you turn East onto Bee Ridge Road, proceed approximately 3 miles, or six
traffic lights, turn right onto Sawyer Road and enter into the second entrance on the right side.

ediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition of Florida provides comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluation and management of all pediatric gastrointestinal, liver and nutritional problems.